Yes, there are several apps designed to help manage alcohol addiction. These apps provide various tools and resources to support individuals in their recovery
journey. Here are a few examples: - Sober Grid - A social network for sober people, Sober Grid offers peer support and connectivity for those looking to
maintain their sobriety. It includes features like a sobriety counter and the ability to find other sober people nearby.
- I Am Sober - This app helps
users track their sobriety, manage triggers, and stay motivated. It includes a sobriety counter, daily pledges, and insights into the financial and time
benefits of staying sober.
- Nomo - Clocks created by Nomo accurately track sobriety (days, hours, minutes, and seconds) and offer encouragement and
accountability through partner accountability features.
- SoberTool - Developed by a licensed chemical dependency counselor, SoberTool provides daily
motivational messages and articles to help prevent relapse. It also includes a feature to help users analyze why they feel like drinking and provides feedback.
- Recovery Path - This app offers a comprehensive approach by allowing users to manage their recovery through tracking triggers, setting goals, and
includes features for managing medication and therapy sessions.
- Twenty-Four Hours a Day - Based on the book of the same name, this app provides daily
meditations from the classic book used by people in recovery from alcoholism. Each of these apps has unique features, and the effectiveness can depend on the
user's specific needs and commitment to sobriety. Consulting with a healthcare provider alongside using these tools can also enhance recovery outcomes.