Yes, there are religious support groups for individuals dealing with alcoholism. These groups often provide spiritual guidance alongside traditional recovery
methods. Here are a few well-known religiously oriented support groups: - Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): While not exclusively religious, AA has spiritual
elements. Its famous Twelve Steps program involves belief in a Higher Power, which members can interpret according to their own spiritual beliefs. 2.
Celebrate Recovery: A Christian-based program that deals with all sorts of habits, hurts, and hang-ups, including alcoholism. The program is based on the
teachings of Jesus Christ and utilizes Eight Recovery Principles that correspond to the Beatitudes from the Bible.
- **The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation
Centers**: These centers provide a spiritually enriched environment where individuals with alcohol dependency can recover by focusing on work and worship as
part of their rehabilitation process.
- Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons, and Significant Others (JACS): A support network for Jewish
individuals struggling with addiction, providing a community that integrates the unique cultural and spiritual needs of Jewish people into the recovery process.
- Muslims in Recovery: A support network that helps Muslims struggling with addiction in a way that is aligned with Islamic principles and teachings. 6.
Sober Catholic: This is a niche group within the broader scope of Catholicism focusing on people battling alcoholism while integrating their faith and
practices in the recovery process. These groups often emphasize the healing power of spiritual practices and community support in overcoming addiction. They
can be particularly helpful for individuals who see their spiritual life as a central part of their identity and recovery journey.